麥克賽爾株式會社(董事長:中村 啓次/以下稱麥克賽爾)將於2019年春季發售麥克賽爾品牌的投影機。
麥克賽爾集團於2013年7月,便從日立Consumer Electronics株式會社繼承了投影機事業。之後,麥克賽爾仍持續開發、生產日立品牌的投影機,並且銷售至中國和歐美等世界各地。麥克賽爾的商品運用獨家影像技術和光學技術,其品質獲得市場的信賴及高度評價。
Maxell Brand Projectors launch to Worldwide Market in Spring 2019
Maxell, Ltd. (President and Representative Director: Keiji Nakamura) announced today that Maxell brand projectors will be introduced worldwide in spring 2019.
The Maxell Group originally acquired the projector business of Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co., Ltd. in July 2013. Since then, the Maxell Group has continued development and production of projectors under the Hitachi brand name and sold them worldwide. During that time, the quality, reliability and distinctive imaging and optical technologies featured by these projector products have been highly trusted and valued by customers in the market.
By building upon the established strengths of its proprietary projection and display technologies, Maxell, Ltd. expects its use of consistent design, production, and distribution network will ensure that Maxell brand projectors will be received enthusiastically by customers in each of the global regions it serves. Moreover, with its release of an increasingly robust lineup of highly advanced, maintenance-free Laser and LED light source projectors under the Maxell brand, Maxell, Ltd. believes its products will be among the most sought-after, trusted and respected digital projection solutions worldwide.