The Poly Studio E70 is a first of its kind intelligent camera that brings mind-blowing video quality, state-of-the-art audio features, and advanced analytics to modern meeting rooms. Dual cameras with 4K+ sensors are boosted by Poly DirectorAI technology to create an unparalleled video experience, perfect for hybrid working environments. The ability to seamlessly transition between a wide angle and narrow lens means that everyone in the room is seen in sharp detail. With Poly Lens enabling worry-free deployment and management, all you’ll need to do is immerse yourself in a truly life-like meeting experience.
- Dual cameras with 4K+ sensors.
- AI-driven camera array.
- Motorized, integrated electronic privacy shutter.
- Includes Poly Lens management software.
- Connects to Poly G7500 and Poly Microsoft Teams Room.
- Life-like video with dual cameras each with their own 4K+ sensor.
- Pinpoint-accurate speaker tracking and professional-quality group framing from Poly DirectorAI technology.
- Added security with motorized, integrated electronic privacy shutter.
- Connects easily to Poly G7500 and Poly Microsoft Teams Room on Windows for streamlined deployments.
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